
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

As soon as the ground is workable...

Hi all! Happy New Year! We have been really horrible about posting on our blog! For some reason the middle of winter always puts both of us in a weird way. I guess its just cabin fever, but with the recent bouts of snow in Virginia it feels like winter will never end! This is good for indoor projects like recording music, sewing, drawing (of course), alphabetizing the sock drawer... etc! But we Taylor's like to be outside and running around unhindered by winter apparel. 20 more inches of snow are predicted for VA this weekend, so I guess we had better brace ourselves! On the upside it is really pretty and winter-wonderland-y here and I have been able to show off my fancy WI native snow driving skills.
In the meantime, here are some highlights from the first month of 2010. Jeremy and I got snowed in right before Christmas by 24 inches of snow! we were stuck for 3 days. We ate every bit of food in our house! Then in January, J did some ghost writing/recording with our friend Thomas's band (very awesome!), we managed to get some good writing time in on our book (hopefully more of that soon) and I started work on a new sketchbook (made by Jeremy - best sketchbook ever!) and some new large drawings as I prepare for my next show at Cinders in the fall. This time of the year one thing that really keeps me optimistic about the weather is garden planning... phrases from the seed catalog like, "as soon as the ground is workable", and "will thrive after over-wintering" remind me how early gardening can start and its that wonderful, defiant, growing stuff in cold weather that really makes me feel happy amongst all of this grayness! After the 24 inches in December we thought our garden was toast. When it finally melted like a week ago we went to look under the garden cloth and cold-frames and were met with very happy spinach and lettuce! What a treat! Here are some pics from the winter...

1 comment:

Jason said...

i love that sketchbook too. that idea is officially stolen by me in the future.