Hello All. Its Thanksgiving day. Tonight we go to bed in Charlottesville, but we woke up in Virginia Beach! Our thanksgiving day consisted of waking up, going on a little walk, petting kittens, going to the beach, Jeremy surfing, Allyson taking pictures with a mini camera (think keychain), going home, eating cheese and crackers, feeding all the cats we were house-sitting for at Mom's, going back to the beach, driving Home home, and then at 8:30pm watching Jeremy whip up Thanksgiving dinner in 20 minutes. I am not kidding. You can tell that he had some years in as a short order cook. And it was not a slouchy TDay dinner either... Here's our menu: Baked Rockfish with ginger, cooked Cauliflower (from our garden!), japanese sweet potato, homemade stuffing (he made stuffing in 10 minutes), hot spiced apple cider, and I made apple crisp while he was doing that. Seriously the man is a cooking machine. I couldn't believe it. He also unloaded the dishwasher while he was doing all of this. If I wasn't already married to him I would totally marry him.
What else... well this week we welcomed some time off. Next week is the last week of classes so it was a good chance to regroup before the craziness. Of course, we didn't totally relax until a few days in. We had a shipping deadline for Cinders who is taking work of ours to Art Aqua in Miami. So I was away from home and trying to finish art and get it shipped while also trying to vacation. Jeremy was also making work with me, which is nothing new except for the fact that he had a huge wound on his head! Earlier that day while surfing, his board came back and clocked him in the eye. He came out of the water and like a trooper got some ice and just kept on doing stuff. I was worried, I thought I might have to cut him like Rocky. Whew. We also went to Nag's Head for a couple days this week. That was nice, but VA Beach was nicer! It was just so warm everywhere, its hard to believe that we live in the same state, its at least 20 degrees colder in Cville & Hburg.
Surfing was good this week. Jeremy got to surf 3 days in a row at VA Beach. Winter is the best time for bigger waves here and he had some nice bigger waves and some sweet knee-high peelers. It was so clear and blue and nice. I got in on the first day and dorked around in my wetsuit. It feels like such a luxury to be able to get into the water when its cold. I had fun. We saw dolphins...the usual ocean magic stuff. I didn't get in the other two days because I have a wounded knee and getting into my wetsuit was hard! Its so pathetic. We were on a dune in Nags Head looking at the ocean and I was crouched down searching for shells. I leaned over the wrong way on the dune and my knee made three distinct popping noises, then I cussed a whole lot. This is probably not good...
Anyhow. here is a list of things we are thankful for this Thanksgiving 2008:
eachother, our home, our garden, our cat, our families, our friends, the ocean, our jobs & health insurance,and some other things I can't think of off of the top of my head right now.
Hope everyone is safe, warm, and full of good food!